Team Made by - Cameroon -

Ambena Ndono

Director of publication

Ambena ndono Emilie clarisse, CEO SID ( South ID or Identités Sid), an agency specialised in public Relations and Magazine Founder of “Made By“. Holder of a Masters in Entrepreneurship ; her passion for reading, travelling, music andabove all her love for Africa are beyong doubt.

Charlotte AMANA

Editor in Chief

Working as Journalist and Community Manager in MagazineMadeBy. Graduate in Journalism and Mass Communication, Sparking and kind, I love everything that is smart and technological. Passionate about the media not forgetting my love for children.


Business and Public Relations Manager

Young Cameroonian graduate in business law, assistant jurist at SID PUBLIC RELATIONS, dynamic, integral, passionate about reading, like to learn and discover new things.

Paola Ngo Nyeck

Assitant Manager

PAOLA NGO NYECK NOMO, Administrative and Sales Assistant at South ID (Sid PublicRelations), Bsc Holder in Administrative Management and Organisation. described as open-minded, she is driven by innoovation and enjoys reading, travelling and a passionate of cameroonian fine arts.


Design and layout

I take pleasure to exercise in graphics, give shape to an idea or a project, illustrate it in the simplest and most elegant way this for me is a personal satisfaction that goes far beyond the expectation of remuneration for a service rendered.

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